What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes healing and peace within. An art of Japanese lineage, “Rei” translates to “life force ” and “ki” translates to “energy.” All things have vibration and life-force energy, which we experience in our physical body - the bridge between the inner and outer world. 

We receive signals from our bodies and minds everyday - Thoughts, pain, emotion, any sign of dis-ease can be presented as a result of blocked energy.  Similarly, feelings of joy, pleasure, and freedom, are all signs of being open and at peace.

Most of us are living in a state of fight or flight — meaning our sympathetic nervous system is constantly responding to stressors and our body and mind respond accordingly.

Using Reiki, we can access those places of distress to activate the body’s innate ability to heal, and move towards balance and harmony in mind, body & spirit. 

Reiki can helpful for:

  • Stress and Anxiety

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Chronic Conditions & Pain

  • Pre/Post Natal care

  • Increased Immunity

I have worked with a wide range of clients seeking relief from anxiety, grief, traumatic events, digestive and hormonal challenges, physical pain, the ebb and flow of life in general.

What should I expect during a session?

You will lie down fully clothed on a treatment table and the healing energy is transferred through intuitive hand placements on and over the body, with focus on the seven Chakras.

Each session is an individual experience! You are likely to reach a deep meditative state. might experience tingling, changes in body temperature, jogged memories, visions of different colors or scenes in nature. Reiki can also bring about an emotional release.

Drink plenty of water and ease into your next activity. You might feel like you just woke up from a deep slumber! Senses are heightened, you’ll feel lighter, more attentive, and sleep restfully after your treatment. I encourage clients to journal or take time over the following days to reflect on the experience and carry feelings of peace with them.

Reiki Healing Session

• 60 MINUTES $140 • 90 MINUTES $170

In person sessions focus on the energetic channels in the physical body, with hands-on therapeutic touch.

Distance Reiki Healing

• 60 MINUTES $140 • 90 MINUTES $170

Reiki is given to the student without being physically present. You can do this in the comfort of your home, starting and ending with a Zoom call with Shannon.    

Reiki & Wellness Coaching

Personalized Packages & Pricing Available.

Email hi@shannonmcnallywellness.com for more information.


Distance & in-person sessions available.